Se siete collezionisti di pistole del Corpo di Polizia svizzero, non potete perdervi la seconda versione ampliata del libro "Faustfeuerwaffen schweizerischer Polizeikorps" di N.U. Schweinfurth.
Con 150 pagine, questa guida completa copre un numero ancora maggiore di corpi di polizia rispetto all'edizione precedente, compresi quelli del Landle (Principato del Liechtenstein). Dalla storia dei corpi alle descrizioni dettagliate di ogni pistola, questo libro è una risorsa preziosa per ogni collezionista o appassionato.
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Historical and highly detailed technical reference.
An updated edition of an earlier volume on the handguns/service weapons issued to each respective Swiss Police departments which unlike other nations does differ from canton to canton. A subtle fact which redefines what is considered a standard ordnance weapon. This fine detail also allows these weapons to be complaint in the various marksmanship competitions in Switzerland. The most recent one being the HK-SFP. The pistols and revolvers of the cantonal police corps and the larger city police corps are covered as well as border guards and other such specialised units. The data includes manufacturers that are no longer in production but whose weapons are available in the market, most of which are very high build quality and worth purchasing while still available. Notably Sphinx models available at Helvetia defense. Some units referred span as far back as more than 100 years which makes this volume valuable to collectors as well. Note than this edition is NOT the same as the one with the same title (ISBN-10:3981394828) Here you will find exceptional detail and more content. A great reference material, a worthy addition to Swiss police ordnance structure and equipment library.